Shipping within Klang Valley
- Shipping within Klang Valley will be charged at a flat rate of RM15.00 per order.
- We ship via various courier companies to ensure parcels arrive on time (unless in unforeseen
- Please note that we will not be liable for any lost parcels or any damaged items during mailing or
- We are unable to ship orders to restricted locations in Malaysia including: KLIA airport, Free
Trade Zone etc.
- Orders are shipped out according to order numbers. Combination of orders placed on different
days is strictly not allowed.
- Orders may be combined and shipped as one parcel if address labels of orders under the same
address are printed out on the same day.
- Orders will only be processed once the full payment is received.
- All in stock orders will be ship out in 2-5 working days upon payment received and subjected to
stock availability.
- Pre-order items will be processed on the same or next working day upon payment received.